Empowering Volunteers: Building Sustainable Support for the Chinese Community in Canada
時間:10:00AM– 12:00PM PT / 1:00PM – 3:00PM EDT
形式: 以ZOOM線上進行
主辦機構: Dreams Possible 自在社
論壇發起人: 周華山博士 自在社創辦人
- Alliance of Calgary Community Ethnic Support Society (ACCESS)
- Connections Community Services Society
- GAIA Community Care and Wellness Society 佳頤中心
- Hong Fook Mental Health Association 康福心理健康協會
- WISE EQ Centre 加拿大成長更新EQ中心
- Yee Hong Centre Centre for Geriatric Care 頤康中心
這個論壇是為了提供一個平台讓加拿大服務華人,理念相近的機構代表, 跟華山博士聚在一起,分享及交流如何有效帶領和支持義工,使他們在社福機構的義務工作中找到價值,並持續服務下去。周博士將分享他對正念教練學的看法。正念教練學是心理學、輔導學、教練學、和正念方法論的整合實踐。 他將描述自在社如何應用正念教練學,成功地啟發和支持義務工作者。
The Forum aims to provide a platform for representatives from like-minded organizations in the Chinese communities across Canada to gather with Dr. Chou Wah Shan, to share their strategies to empower and support volunteers, to collectively make it a better workplace for our front-line heroes. Dr. Chou will share his perspective of mindful coaching, which is an integration of methodologies in psychology, counselling, coaching, and mindfulness practice. He will describe how the application of mindful coaching successfully engages and supports volunteers at Dreams Possible. “
This event is conducted in Cantonese.
* 本活動將會進行錄影,錄影片段有機會用於自在社社交媒體專頁。
** Zoom觀眾不能直接發言,但可以在聊天室 (Chat Box) 中提問或評論。若時間允許且問題合適,主持人會邀請嘉賓回應。請注意,可能無法回答所有問題。
► 查看加拿大正念教練學巡迴推廣的其他活動: https://dreamspossible.hk/dp-overseas-workshops/#canada