作為中個身心靈成長中心, 自在社的會址, 歡迎各界團體或個別公眾人士租用.
地址 : 香港灣仔皇后大道東43號東美商業中心2107室 (交通指南)
1)場地: 1,100平方呎, 舉行講座時大約可容納100人﹐舉行體驗式活動時大約可容納75人.
2)設施: 落地玻璃牆 (32呎*8呎), 附有木製扶手﹐可供練習跳舞. 可供調較光量的吊燈及射燈.
無線咪4個 (手握無線咪2個﹐ 掛頭式無線咪2個),
投影機1部及 手動投影螢幕1張(12呎*8呎)﹐可播放CD,VCD,DVD的DVD機
大小長方形枱共7張, 大小椅子120張, 瑜珈蓆 50張
底部附有會址使用日曆,以供參考。 venue using calendar is showed at the bottom for reference.
Application Procedure & Details 申請程序及守則
Our centre will only accept application within 6 months. Applicant should read carefully all the clauses stipulated in Rental Charges & Rules prior to submitting his/her application.本中心只接受6個月內之預約,申請人須於遞交申請前詳閱租場費用及申請守則內所載有關條款。
Charges 費用
1A. Venue hire for Mon-Fri, EXCLUDING public holidays
(9am-6pm): 1 hr $400, 2 hrs $700, 3 hrs $1000, 4 hrs $1200, 6 hrs $1400, 8 hrs $1,600.
租場收費星期一至五, 不包括公眾假期 (早上9時至下午6時):
1B. Venue hire for Mon-Fri (6pm-11pm); Sat, Sun & Public holiday (any time)(Only accept application within 7 days):
1 hr $1000, 2 hrs $1,800, 3 hrs $2,500, 4 hrs $3,000, 6 hrs $4,000, 8 hrs $5,000, 12 hrs $6,000.
租場收費星期一至星期五 (晚上6至11時)﹑星期六﹑日或公眾假期 (任何時段)(此時段只接受7天內預訂):
1小時1,000元﹑ 2小時1,800元﹑ 3小時2,500元﹑ 4小時3,000元﹑ 6小時4,000元﹑8小時5,000元﹑12小時6,
2. Projector: 2 hours $200, exceeding 2 hours $600. 投影機: 兩小時內200元﹔兩小時以上,一律收600元。
3. Hirers who are Dreams Possible personnel, or are from charitable organizations, may enjoy 20% discount. DP人或慈善團體租場﹐可獲8折。
Venue hire includes venue set-up time and clean-up time. Any overtime will incur an extra charge of $400 per hour, a duration less than an hour will be counted as one hour. 租金已經包括場地準備和收拾的時間,超時需要額外支付每小時400元,不足一小時也作一小時計算。
Special Offer: 30% off discount for application within 7 days
Payment 付款
1. Applicants for hiring should mail the completed Application Form below, with a crossed cheque payable to “Dreams Possible Ltd.”, to “Room 2107, Dominion Centre, 43 Queen’s Road East, Wan Chai”. Or they may make a deposit to HSBC Account 400-784922-838, and fax the deposit receipt to 3568 8249.申請人請填寫申請表格,連同支票抬頭「自在社有限公司」,寄皇后大道東43號東美商業中心2107室,或存入匯豐銀行400-784922-838,然後把收據,傳真到 3568 8249。
2. Hirers must pay the rental charges in full within 3 days when their application is accepted. All rental charges cannot be refunded. Therefore, if the hirer may cancel or change dates, they must raise the issue before they pay the rental charges.申請人需要在租場申請獲得接納後,三天內繳付全費。所繳付租金,不能退還;所以,如果申請人取消或者改期,必須在支付租金前提出。
Application form 申請表格 : 租場申請表格
Condition of Use 使用守則
1. The hirer must keep the premises clean, and enforce that no smoking, eating nor drinking(Except drinking water) is allowed within the premises and inside the building.租場者必須保持場地清潔,並且全場與及在大廈內嚴禁吸煙及飲食(清水除外)。
2. The hirer and those who use the premises must be careful in protecting all the facilities, furniture and equipment at the premises. All facilities, furniture and equipment must be returned to their original positions after use. If facilities, furniture and equipment are lost, altered or damaged, the hirer must pay for the items at double their original cost.租場者及使用場地人士,必須小心使用和保護場地所有設備、傢具和器材。使用場地後、須把所有設備、傢具和器材安放原位。如果場地設備、傢具、器材有任何損失、塗改和損毀,租用者必須照價雙倍賠償。
3. The above-listed furniture and equipment may not be available for loan in case of damage, on loan or any other reasons. The Dreams Possible Limited reserves the right not to loan the furniture and equipment.上述可供借用之傢具及器材可能因損壞或被借用等因素未能供借用,自在社有限公司保留借出傢具及器材之權利。
4. Should the hirer and those who use the premises be faced with accidents or injuries, or should their own properties have any damages or loss, the centre would not be held responsible.如果租用人士,發生意外和損傷,或者自己的物品有任何損失和遺失,本中心概不負責
5. If two hour before the rental period, the Observatory still has a Typhoon Signal No.8 or higher or a black rainstorm signal, the centre will be closed. The hirer can reschedule their rental date, and the hire charges already paid will be valid for one year.如果租場節目開始前兩小時,天文臺仍發出八號或以上颱風信號,或黑色暴雨信號,中心將會關閉;使用者可以改期,一年內有效。
6. Dreams Possible Ltd. reserves the right to amend these rental rules as necessary and the final interpretation of these rules.自在社保留場租申請守則的修改權和最終解釋權。
For enquiries 查詢
Tel 電話: (852) 6898 2854
Email 電郵: rental@dreamspossible.hk
網上申請 Online Registration: 按此 Click Here
以下是我們的會址使用日曆,以供參考。 Here is our venue using calendar for your reference.